Thursday, January 12, 2012


What the hell the number is it? That is a date. A date that I remember the most in my whole lofe. The date is so dam important to me. The date that change everything in my life. The date that that make me be a little grown up.


The date, most historical date in my life. From this date on, I need to learn all by my self. I learn how to be friend, how to take care of myself, how to arrange my schedule in life, how to be alone, how to defense my self, how to get along with older people (senior), how to buy stuff, how to berjimat and too many how.

Yes, it is a date when I first enter Sekolah menengah suktan abdul halim jitra kedah. I was damn excited to be in this boarding school. Actually, I still cant believe that after UPSR I got 5A’sand are acceptable to go to boarding school. Yes, I still remember how I study back when I was 12. I am so cool and still have to watch Chinese drama at 6pm at tv3 and at night my umi will wait for me to stady and make a cup of milo for me.. hikhik.. maybe sbb tu kot dapat 5’As.. saya rajin blaja dulu2. Ahaks.

My family is not a “senang” family back in time and I hate the most to remember those difficulties in our life but for my sake, my ummi n abah try to send me to the school. Till now I appreciate and I am so glad. With out my ummi n abah, I wont be me now n don’t know what I would be. =)

Teringat lagi hari pertama di JENAN, selepas daftar kitorang akan diberi sorang kakak “bawak” which mean kakak tu akan jaga kita mula2. And my kakak bawak is kak ieda and she so super cute and kind! Ahaks… ingat lagi.. ramai kot yang nangis sbb kena tinggal kat asrama tapi ili tak nangis kot and siap kate “umi, cepat lah balik.. ili nak blaja kat sini lah” “abah pegi lah balik dulu”. . so then umi n abah pon balik lah dulu. . mak ayah org laen dok sebuk kemas kan barang anak2 dea tapi ili, ili n kak ieda jer kot yang kemas. . actually behind this we have a lot of obstacles n don’t want to remember –

My first year. Hahahaha a big LOL for me sbb I am so damm stupid! Truelly I am sbb nye kan I masuk kelas last skali – tapi ni bukan nak menyatakan I stupid-stupid- cume what I mean is mase start form one dah jadi mastermind.. haahaha.. padahal I tak buat pon (kot) tak ingt.. sampai meja kene buang kat bawah. Dah lah bawah tu kelas form 5. Ade plak abg contact tyme tu.. kahkahkah.. tetiap malam kat kelas prep after isyak I will sleep as much as I could n tak kesah pon keje tak siap asalkan I nak cukup kan tido.. hahah.. dalam kelas 1 elit, best.. happening tau.. ade AJ. Sape lagi eh, Aisyah . . eh, aku tak ingt sangat lah kelasmate form 1.. tapi mmg aku susah nak ingt.. dak laki ingt si Izrul jer sbb dea jadi posmen.. kahkah… time first year ni tuff gler kot, kene wanted ngan senior bnyak kali kot sbb buat hal. Hukhuk.. tak cukup jari tgn campur jari kaki kot. Disebab ni lah I power buat tak tahu and buat donno.. tak semua org tau ade kebolehan untuk buat tak tahu n buat donno jer. Sebb dah immune dengan senior lah I be as strong as I am now. Tak fragile n I can count how much I cried… I miss those years even I am so naïve amat! (ahaha)

And year after that, year after after dat is the most meaningfull day in my life, my upside down and and how I be close to the One who create us is all I learn from JENAN. Kalau nak cerita every year mmg bnyak. Sampai berpart-part boleh jadi.


Yeay, today is already our 10th birthday. Today date is the exact date when we first enter to JENAN. And after 10 years, it is totally different ili aisyah. (maybe ade lah yang same macam muke same,idong, ada mulut) tapi today I think I am much better person. Disebabkan segala permulaan zaman keremajaan telah didik dengan sempurna di jenan. Bagaimana nak menjadi seorang yang tabah dan cekal menghadapi hidup kehidupan, semua bermula when I was I jenan and so on. That is the beginning of my live untuk hidup berdikari sehingga ke hari ini.

Dan akhir sekali, I am so proud to be JENANIANS!


  1. tak sangka, dah sepuluh tahun. 10 tahun jugaklah aku dah kenal ko. hehe

  2. follow sini !! nice bLog .. !! fafa suka sngt . pinky !

  3. amboi, pnjgnyaa... sori, sbb x smpt bce ;)

    kehkeh, sorry jgk sbb trlampau jujur... jgn mrah tau

  4. eh...yang atas tu macam salah je.hehehe..

    ps ; thanks sudi singgah.dh follow sni.salam perkenalan.
