Monday, July 16, 2012

i iz busy and boLoqs


Hari ni 16 julai macam hari last untuk beta berada di teratak beta ini.. 
cheewaah ayat tak bLey bLah. . 
i iz so busy today sbb nak tengok barang apa nak kena bawak untuk pergi ke meLaka ni le tempat percubaan pekerjaan baru ni.. since thiz week is aLso we wiLL begin to start our Ramadhan mubarak and yes! I will be away on the first ramadhan
Am i iz sad? NO Lah, i aLways not in the house during most od the ceLebration but this MAYBE wiLL be the first that im working during the Last 10 days of ramadhan.

 NormaLLy i were at my house and baking some cookies and bke and prepared our things to make rendang ketupat lemang bahuLu am going to miss those moment.

Itsokay to be away once kan?
Waaaa.... what shud i bring to the new house (not my house) .  should i bring aL the rice cooker, toaster, iron? Ironboard? (cannot live without iron board ok.) what about note pad? A4 paper? Printer? Notebook? Hurrrm. Maybe i wiLL bring a fewthen if i have time i wiLL pick up my breakfast table, japanese table to put my super duper too much stuff.
Today i wiLL do my shopping after zohor. I just realize that i dont even have a black shoe for works because i always have my crocs. Than will buy a few of sunblock since Hanis Zalikha say it is important to use sunblock.

Maybe today i will buy another hp. As same as my hp now sbb takot nanti rosak at least ade back up.


1 comment:

  1. tahniah dear dapat kerja baru...
    anyway, nak gtaw yang doodles2 tu semua sangaaat kiuttt!
    how do u do it??
