Saturday, December 10, 2011

Career preparation Workshop with Puan Maryanni

Hey peeps, salam sejahtera and selmat petang. Today is officially finished my career preparation workshop. :67::67:

The whole weekend I spend to learn:

:65:How to grooming myself during interview

:65:How to prepare good resume and cover letter

:65:What should I do during interview day before and after?

:65:Top question that going to be asked.

:65:Grooming aspect

:65:The power of etiquette

:65:Part of interview

The way CIk Puan Mary Anni give her speech and they way she tried to teach is very fun and cheerful. :face24:Totally different from my lectures. :face16:And yes I can’t compare the workshop with my lecture because there are to different thing kan?:face18: Lectures is fact that must be absorb by the brain so then we will know and brain will digest as a knowledge whereas this workshop is like something fun and joyable lesson and not burden on my head.:face64:

So, from this weekend :face12:onwards, I think I want to assume that all my subject are fun so than I can learn cheerfully, without complaining and will more understand maybe. Just like the workshop class.:face44:

I laugh :130:all the session because she’s very fun with her style. It is very rare to find a women/girl who can entertain people from 8.30-1.00pm kan.. yes non stop I hate to laugh but this two day workshop make me laugh sampai terasa penatnya tergelak =)

Program kendalian yang mereka khususkan kepada dua bidang utama:

i. Program Pengurusan Imej (Image Management Coaching/Training) yang meliputi topik-topik berikut:

:60:Rutin Penjagaan Diri, Penjagaan Kulit dan Mekap

:61:Bentuk Badan dan Personaliti Stail

:63:Analisis Warna

:90:Pengetahuan Berpakaian dan Kod/Etika Berpakaian

:88:Etika Bisnes, Etika Sosial dan Etika/Adab di Meja Makan (formal)

ii. Program Bimbingan Kerjaya (Career Coaching Programme) yang meliputi topik-topik berikut:

:86: Imej Profesional ke Temuduga
:85: Penulisan Resume dan Surat Iringan

:26:Komunikasi semasa Temuduga (termasuk teknik menjawab soalan penemuduga)

:35:Etika Temuduga

:74:Kemahiran Mencari/Memohon Kerja

Untuk tahu lebih lanjut mengenai Puan Mary Anni:95: dan consultansi nya Training Cube boleh lah try to explore the links ok..

p/s: for the picture, tunggu Ayu dan Missnadrah upload dalam blog nya atau u ols boleh pergi ke Link blog mereka bila mereka dah update..


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