Aku edit khas untuk permata ku...
u are so adorable.cold hearted,
humble,cool,want to be loved but not
have guts to admit it.... U always said that
everything depend to faith..friendship..
Buy what dat rilly matter..u put other feeling
in front of u..put aside urs..just to be gud..
In every damn thing that happen to u even when
it come to ur own benefit n interest..
Buy the quality of u that make me kind of sure dat u is
THE ONE dat I search for whole my 21 years old of life living
in this fairytale unpredictable world..
U know me as a friend..I come to u as a friend
n u know everything single inch of me..u recognized me
u re a gud guy n yet I'm another parasit..
I know u know what i feel n if I push harder...
Distance between us...I just can wait..
I'm not perfect..not a power puff girl.. But I rilly need to figure out
how to make myself to like by u..but what I do know.. Keep in touch with u
make u happy..try to amuse u even though only SMS can relate us..
Maybe Sumday I will tell u by my self..