Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mysterious Burger with love [kot] =)

Today I bought some carrots to feed 9 rabbits at the farm. There are so so so pretty gorgeous handsome freaking cute too!! I will talk about those 9 rabbits later okeyh.

While I am walking back from the farm to my room, Ms.D call to pick up a burger . she said someone gave it to us. I am on my way to her room to fetch my nasi goring belacan for my dinner and end up the is also two burger for me an BulBul. So I take both burgers and give it to BulBul because he is with his friends. It is inappropriate plak nak bagi sorang jer kan. .

Kepada pemberi yang sangat bermurah hati, saya mendoakan anda kahwin cepat =) ngehehe

Peace no war. . thanks you yer from me, Luqman and his friend =)