Wednesday, October 06, 2010

haRi iNi. .

9.15 start jawab test weed

9.30 amo msg abh masuk wad

9.45 keluar dewan n try call amo

achievement: jawab sume soklan

conclusi: buat sume soklan n jawab ntah pape. .


there's obstacles n gift in live
Dear Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala,
even up to this very second, no matter how many times I utter the phrase alhamdulillah, I know it could never be enough, I know it could never compare to how much You have lent me, I know I could never truly understand how lucky I am and why You love me this much- I just hope I am worthy. After so many challenges, mistakes and lessons along my journey, I just hope I am worthy.
my ever dearest luqman, thanks to Allah .. i found u..

1 comment:

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